Art Installation and things you need to know
When you give your trust to someone- whether if it is to install or de-install an artwork from your private residence, personal spaces, galleries, art exhibition, organizations, etc. Is there anything you would expect or need from the installation team? What comes to mind when someone mentions about a ‘good art installation service’? Are there be anything that you might be overlooking during the process? JWD Art Space is going to share with you a helpful ‘Check Lists’, to review about what you need to keep in mind when choosing to use any art installation service. These points below will definitely save you a lot of time and saving you from a lot of risks
Attentiveness, and standard equipments
Meticulousness should begin with the correct selection of materials and equipment for each kind of art services. Additionally, it is not only just proving the team’s responsibility of safely protect the precious works of art, but also increases the confidence of customers to notice how professional the team is
Super Team
Selecting a team seems not so important but it should be a major concern. Preparatory meeting, coordination within the team, systematic division of duties, and punctuality. All is important to demonstrate the responsibility and strength of the word “Teamwork”.
In order to install or de-install artwork outside the premises, there may be incidents requiring immediate troubleshooting. Experiencing unexpected stress or emotional stressful events. A good team should have the ability to assess the situation and how to deal with it, as well as being intelligent in emotional management.
Art knowledge
Creating value for yourself is the knowledge that goes beyond what you already have. Just imagine how impressed your customers will be if you demonstrate a taste and understanding of the aesthetics of art, or knowledge related to art, and they can give advice in situations where customers may need someone to help them make a decision for something. This will show superior skills.
Is there any better proof of confidence than a well-trained team with specialized knowledge of what they do- understanding that art is a delicate matter and could be full of risks? Competencies is a strength that creates the advantage for any team or company. If a team is assigned to handle a certain type of art that is difficult to install or has a complicated process, it is very important to analyze deeply the manual of how it works, or get the help from someone who knows how to deal with this matter. In full, the team has to take full responsibility for the important and expensive works of art.
Artwork Insurance
Artwork insurance is often be skipped out on due to its difficulties and long-process. Many people may brush it off thinking the price paid is not worth it. But do not forget that unexpected events can always happen. There are many examples of accidents that is out of your control. And the cost of repairs may be much more expensive than the fee for art insurance itself.